[1.7] Call for Testing - Accelerated GL (AIGLX) for the Cygwin/X X server

Jon TURNEY jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Mon Aug 10 14:52:00 GMT 2009

On 30/06/2009 18:38, Jon TURNEY wrote:
> I've made a git repo available on freedesktop.org which contains the
> work I've been doing to add hardware-accelerated indirect GLX to the Cygwin/X server,

I've updated this git repo with my current work.

For testing purposes, I've also made available an updated XWin.exe and 
cygGl-1.dll binary at ftp://cygwin.com/pub/cygwinx/XWin-aiglx-20090801.tar.bz2

Mesa patches previously alluded to are at [1]

* You need to provide the command line option '-wgl' to the X server to turn 
on the code which uses native Windows OpenGL to implement GLX. If you don't 
use this option to turn the code on, you will carry on using software rendering.

* libGL prefers to use client-side rendering and transfer the image to the 
server using xlib. To force the use of GLX, so rendering is indirect (takes 
place on the server), and thus can be accelerated, you must export the 
environment variable LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT before starting the client application.

* As before, only multiwindow/mwextwm modes are supported. Software rendering 
is always used on screens which do not have 1 native window per X window. 
There's no way I know of to tell the native OpenGL to transform/clip to the 
portion of the native window occupied by the X window in the single root 
native window modes.

* Applications I've tried
- all mesa demos (glxgears, etc.) seem to run successfully
- glquake works
- blender works
- savi/geomview seems to work
- extremetuxracer just gives a blank window, I don't know why :-(

* Known issues
- some pixmap drawables don't have the right contents when read by XGetImage
- running the glean test 'fpexceptions' on slow visuals (using the Microsoft 
GDI generic renderer) causes the server to segfault.  This doesn't happen with 
a native build of glean so it's probably my fault, but I've no idea why.
- sometimes something bad happens in the server after loading swrast_dri.so 
(i.e. if -wgl is not provided) which causes it to hang whilst forking to start 

* Untested
- working with multiple monitors

[1] http://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=10472

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