xhost package not compiled for IPv6

Jon TURNEY jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Mon Aug 10 15:32:00 GMT 2009

On 04/08/2009 22:16, cygwin wrote:
> Currently, setup-1.7 installs a version of xhost (1.0.2-1) that is not
> compiled properly for IPv6 protocol support.
> When querying against an IPv6 X server IPv6 addresses are not recognized.
> The fix for this is to simply rebuild the xhost package.

Thanks for the bug report.

> However, to get it to work at all with the Cygwin/X server, you have to
> be using IPv4 transport, as IPv6 support seems broken. The server
> listens on IPv6 addresses ok and recognizes incoming connections, but
> then it just hangs. Has anyone diagnosed this further? I believe the
> problem is in accept() system call.

"The server listens on IPv6 addresses ok and recognizes incoming connections, 
but then the client just hangs.  The server logs "_XSERVTransSocketINETAccept: 
accept() failed"

Yes, I was able to reproduce this by installing IPV6 and setting 
DISPLAY=localhost:0.0, as a IPv6 connection seems to be used first.  From a 
quick debugging session it looks like the IPv6 socket connection is really 
made (shown by netstat --p tcpv6 -a -b -n), but that accept() in the server 
returns -1, which is very odd.

You can workaround this problem by setting DISPLAY=:0.0 (which will use a unix 
domain socket transport) or by starting the X server with the '-nolisten 
inet6' argument added.

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