[ANNOUNCEMENT] New package: qt4-4.5.3-1

Yaakov (Cygwin/X) yselkowitz@users.sourceforge.net
Tue Dec 29 04:53:00 GMT 2009

Qt4, the latest version of Trolltech's C++ application framework, has 
been added to the Cygwin distribution.

Due to its size and dependencies, Qt4 has been broken up into over three 
dozen packages:

* libQt*4: runtime libraries, one per API
* libQt*4-devel: corresponding headers, link libraries, and tools
* qt4-devel-tools: assistant, designer, linguist, etc.
* qt4-doc: API documentation (viewable with assistant-qt4)
* qt4-qtconfig:  Qt configuration manager
* qt4-qtdemo: example programs and source code

If you have difficulty finding a particular file, please use the Cygwin 
package search page at http://cygwin.com/packages/ .

Qt4 can be installed in parallel to the Qt3 packages.  The tools which 
exist for both versions have a "-qt4" suffix in their /usr/bin symlinks; 
e.g. qmake-qt4, qtconfig-qt4, etc.

Please note that the Phonon multimedia abstraction layer is not 
supported in this release, due to its additional dependencies which are 
not yet in the distro.  Consequently, QtWebKit browsers such as Arora 
will not have support for HTML5 audio/video.



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