gv became really slow?

Frédéric Bron frederic.bron@m4x.org
Thu Feb 5 11:25:00 GMT 2009

> It used to be the case that opening a postscript file with gv on
> cygwin was more or less immediate. I've recently updated cygwin and
> now it takes about 2-5 seconds (a clock is displayed while gv is
> "thinking"). This happens even if the postscript file contains only a
> few words. For example, if you do:
>     % echo hello > hello.txt
>     % a2ps hello.txt -o hello.ps
>     % gv hello.ps
> The gv version I have running is 3.6.5 (cygwin 1.5.25 on XP). I have
> no way of telling whether this is a cygwin problem or something else.
> But running the above example on a debian machine with a gv-3.6.5
> installed results in an immediate, much snappier, response.
> Is this just my problem? And if not, can something be done?

I confirm that gv is practically unusable since I updated to x.org
7.4. It is very very slow. For the example you give, it takes only 2
seconds to load (same version 3.6.5, Windows XP, Dual Core2 Duo 2.6
GHz) but on the large ps files I use it takes ages to show compared to
before I upgraded. This may be a problem of the X system so I forward
the email to the list.

Frédéric Bron

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