Problems with X surfaced recently

Linda Walsh
Fri Feb 6 02:41:00 GMT 2009

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

(thank you for your responses...)
> Cygwin-X questions go to the cygwin-xfree list.
    I thought the lists were being merged because there was next to zero
traffic on the X-cygwin list?  Did that plan fall by the wayside?  Besides, I
wasn't sure if there was some negative interaction being caused by the setup

> Did you miss this FAQ?
> <>
    Well, I didn't get the "Change Notification", if that's what you mean...:-)
I have read the FAQ's, but I don't re-read them with each release.  I'm
pretty certain, I wouldn't notice a few new paragraphs difference in a
90k document...

    I normally don't use the start-menu as it suggests, as I don't use the
same XWin start args nor start an xterm when starting X. 

> Or this one?
> <>
    I think I'll go look more closely at the FAQ.  :-)
The keyboard is functioning, now,  on another remote app (make xconfig
-- which is what started this 'detour').  However, an Xterm running on a
remote (linux) system fails when trying to display to my "cygwin-OS" system
with a similar font problem, so I reckon some font paths have changed or moved.
> Thanks for following the problem reporting protocol concerning cygcheck
> output. :-)
    I try to  improve...just a bit slow sometimes or not sure when a
specific rule applies.  I'm overly concerned (paranoid?) with dumping a large
quantity of script-produced data, since I don't know if there is something in
the dump that might create a security leak and I know the email list is archived
and publicly searchable forever.  ;^/

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