X server causing IE lockups

Frédéric Bron frederic.bron@m4x.org
Mon Feb 9 05:57:00 GMT 2009

> I know there was another cygwin user that had similar experiences.
> Is this a limited situation?  Is anyone else seeing these kinds of issues?

Same problem since I updated to the new X.org 7.4: I have xwin
crashes. Also with XP and also using a vncclient (TightVNC)
This is how it happens:
- suddenly, all network connexions (cygwin and windows) stop working
(no internet...). rxvt freezes
- when I kill xwin (kill -9 from the cygwin bash shell), all works again.
- often, at the same time, windows clipboard does not work any more.
- this happens 1-2 times a week roughly.

F. Bron

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