/usr/bin/startx fails on new x.org install?

Yaakov (Cygwin/X) yselkowitz@users.sourceforge.net
Tue Feb 17 08:01:00 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA256

http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#PCYMTWLL !!

Lloyd Wood wrote:
> XWin was started with the following command line:
> /usr/bin/X :0 -auth /cygdrive/c/Documents and
>  Settings/lwood/.serverauth.3000
> ddxProcessArgument - Initializing default screens
> winInitializeDefaultScreens - w 1400 h 1050
> winInitializeDefaultScreens - returning
> Unrecognized option: and
> [..]

This isn't X-specific; spaces and *NIX paths don't mix.  Please use a
sane home directory, like /home/lwood.

> 2. Trouble launching multiwindow mode. startx (which previously gave me multiwindow) no longer works (above).
> xinit -multiwindow
> fails
> xinit -- -multiwindow
> oddly, succeeds. No idea why.

man 1 xinit

> 3. No cut and paste between the X desktop and Windows. Completely separate. Is this by design? (I can't figure out any copy/paste in the cygwin dumb terminal window, either.) Hurrah for multiwindow mode, where it works, and which I happily scurried back to as soon as I figured out how.

man 1 XWin

> 4. Hogging and not freeing menu/window resources in X, as my Insight Tcl program failing with 'unable to register Tk TopLevel class' or failing to draw a window properly indicates:
> http://coding.derkeiler.com/Archive/Tcl/comp.lang.tcl/2008-04/msg00769.html
> yes, Insight Tcl programs can be run without X being launched. But I have to quit X (desktop or multiwindow mode) to pull down and draw a menu in e.g. the mail program where I'm writing this.

Cygwin's Tcl/Tk is currently Windows based, and this message is clearly
talking about a Windows version of Tcl/Tk.  I don't see what that has to
do with X11?

> 5. No OpenGL hardware acceleration (yet?) 


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