R: starxwin.bat always "misfires" the xterm once - it works!

Owen Rees owen.rees@hp.com
Tue Feb 17 09:15:00 GMT 2009

--On Monday, February 16, 2009 17:40:15 +0100 Franz di Coccio wrote:

> Marco,
>  your suggestion to insert
> %CYGWIN_ROOT%\bin\sleep 4
> before the xterm launch instruction
> %RUN% xterm -e /usr/bin/bash -l
> in starxwin.bat did the trick!
> Thanks a lot! Grazie!
> F
> PS That's a weird behaviour, anyway... I wonder why the pause is needed
> only for the first execution after the system boot. Whatever... Now it
> works :)

The problem seems to be the one that prompted the thread that contains this 

As I understand it, the process that starts the X server finishes before 
the X server is ready to accept connections. This means that there is then 
a race condition between the X server start up and the next command in the 
startup script. If the server is ready first all is well but if not, the 
next command - xterm - fails to connect and gives up.

Owen Rees; speaking personally, and not on behalf of HP.
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