/usr/bin/startx fails on new x.org install?

Jon TURNEY jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Wed Feb 18 16:24:00 GMT 2009

Lloyd Wood wrote:
>> Lloyd Wood wrote:
>>> XWin was started with the following command line:
>>> /usr/bin/X :0 -auth /cygdrive/c/Documents and
>>>  Settings/lwood/.serverauth.3000
>>> ddxProcessArgument - Initializing default screens
>>> winInitializeDefaultScreens - w 1400 h 1050
>>> winInitializeDefaultScreens - returning
>>> Unrecognized option: and
>>> [..]
>> This isn't X-specific; spaces and *NIX paths don't mix.  
> Tell that to any Mac OS X user.
>> Please use a
>> sane home directory, like /home/lwood.
> startx used to work. Now, it doesn't. Ergo, like lack of opengl hardware acceleration, it can be argued that it's a regression in functionality. (I have to keep files under Documents\ and\ Settings. That has worked fine for for startx the last eight years. Now, it's broken.)
> handling of paths has been broken, due to lame programming practices. it needs to be fixed.

Thanks for identifying this as a regression.  I wasn't sure if this used to 
work or not.

I think that the attached patch for startx should fix this problem, if you 
wouldn't mind testing it.

>>> 4. Hogging and not freeing menu/window resources in X, as my Insight Tcl program failing with 'unable to register Tk TopLevel class' or failing to draw a window properly indicates:
>>> <http://coding.derkeiler.com/Archive/Tcl/comp.lang.tcl/2008-04/msg00769.html>http://coding.derkeiler.com/Archive/Tcl/comp.lang.tcl/2008-04/msg00769.html
>>> yes, Insight Tcl programs can be run without X being launched. But I have to quit X (desktop or multiwindow mode) to pull down and draw a menu in > e.g. the mail program where I'm writing this.
>> Cygwin's Tcl/Tk is currently Windows based, and this message is clearly
>> talking about a Windows version of Tcl/Tk.  I don't see what that has to
>> do with X11?
> I'm walking you through visible symptoms, diagnosis, and explanation. the new Xserver is demonstrably a resource hog, in that it interferes with normal Windows operation.

Too bad you're not providing us with the solution as well :-)

I tried some brief experiments with the Dheapmon tool, but I didn't see any 
obvious leaking and wasn't able to hit this Windows resource limit - the 
desktop heap was only 50% full with 50 xterms, and then I hit some other limit 
in cygwin.... ('open ttydev: No such file or directory'), so a few more 
details about how to reproduce this problem would be very helpful.

It might be also helpful if you mentioned which particular version of windows 
you are using, as I would guess they don't all behave the same in this regard.
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