X.org 7.4 dying under Geomview

Lloyd Wood L.Wood@surrey.ac.uk
Thu Feb 19 09:12:00 GMT 2009

I have also noticed that, in -multiwindow mode, graphical updates for Geomview's camera window
now only happen for the area covered by the original camera position. That is, if you move the
Windows window on screen, only the area of that window that overlaps with the area of original
window content's position will be updated with new animations prompted by SaVi. (Rooted
desktop drawing behaviour is fine. Either windowing mode crashes the Xserver after about 30
seconds of use of SaVi and Geomview.)

This drawing behaviour is a regression in behaviour from the previous X multiwindow behaviour,
where SaVi and Geomview animated fine.


> I'm using SaVi and Geomview under Cygwin/X and WinXP SP2 (a 2MB Thinkpad
> T43). See:
> The new X server has a nasty habit of dying horribly when I begin
> using SaVi and Geomview - there's your test case. I can live without the
> hardware acceleration - it's a good way of tightening SaVi's
> geomview commands to remove redundant drawing and group drawing commands
> together to remove unnecessary geomview updates - but other geomview users
> will have a different view.
> And only getting thirty seconds or so of use before the X server dies
> and takes everything else with it is a showstopper for all of us.
> Geomview now seems to be easier to build under the new Xserver regime -
> ./configure and make just work and do the right thing without command-line
> nudges - but it's far less robust and reliable in use under the new
> X server.

SaVi satellite constellation visualization: http://savi.sf.net/


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