Bug: xinit: XWin Server shortcut won't work if Cygwin not in C:

Rajesh Advani rajeshjadvani@yahoo.com
Fri Jan 30 10:05:00 GMT 2009

Bug description: X Win Server shortcut won't work if Cygwin not in C drive

To reproduce:
1. Install Cygwin/X in a drive other than C: (say D:)
2. Try starting the x server using the Start Menu -> Cygwin-X 
Nothing will happen.

The shortcut 'XWin Server' runs the command - 

    <path-to-cygwin>\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/startxwin.bat

However, it doesn't provide a "Start in" directory. The default "Start in" is in C:, and the above command for some reason needs to be executed in the same in a working directory on the same drive where Cygwin is installed.

Change/Set the "Start in" value in the 'XWin Server' shortcut, to the drive where you installed Cygwin (say "D:\").

Note: Both the machines I tested this in, already had Cygwin/X11R6 installed. I got this problem (and a couple of issues of missing Adobe and ISO8859 fonts - but that's a different problem) when I upgraded from X116 to X117. I haven't tried a fresh install, but I don't see a reason why that would behave differently.


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