Mouse chording question

Peter Scott
Thu Jul 2 14:59:00 GMT 2009

At 03:42 AM 7/2/2009, Jon TURNEY wrote:
>On 02/07/2009 05:50, Peter Scott wrote:
>>Hello.  I would like to migrate from eXceed to Cygwin for the
>>performance improvement,
>What performance improvement?
>The performance/price ratio is infinitely better, ofc :-)

Good point :)  eXceed is remarkably slow at drawing certain windows and 
menus in some applications I use, even after tuning saveunders and 
backing store.  Unfortunately one of them is eclipse.  I suspect it has 
something to do with pixmaps.  Cygwin is fast.  I tried Xming but it 
crashes on some apps.

>The -emulate3buttons option should be doing precisely what you want; 
>it emulates a middle-mouse button press when the left and right mouse 
>buttons are pressed 'near simultaneously' (i.e. within the timeout specified).
>This works for me.

I believe you... I am used to giving my users that answer :)

And it seems the role reversal is complete... because now (after a 
reboot) it works for me, too.

Investigation reveals a case of RTFM deficiency.  After each server 
option edit I exited the xterm that came up from the server start 
script and figured the server went away too (this is common in some X 
configurations, and my systray was shrunk without the X icon 
showing).  So subsequent server restarts weren't taking because the 
first server invocation was still running.

Problem solved.  Sorry to bother you.

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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