[1.7] XWin still fails with SunOS 10

jose isaias cabrera jicman@cinops.xerox.com
Tue Jul 7 20:36:00 GMT 2009


I updated from the old cygwin to the new 1.7 by installing the new 1.7 in 
c:\cygwinx directory.  The reason why was because I wanted to see if a 
problem that I previously had was fixed with a SunOS 10 server.  When I run 
this command,

XWin -once -query <IP>

the X windows opens and quickly disappear.  The log is attached.  I went to,


and tried to find any hints, but, nothing...

By the way, this is the same problem that the previous version of cygwin 
had.  But, since Mr. Turney said to give it a try with the new version, I 
did. :-)  Is this going to ever be fixed?



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