[1.7] XWin still fails with SunOS 10

jose isaias cabrera cabrera@wrc.xerox.com
Thu Jul 9 05:05:00 GMT 2009

Jon TURNEY wrote...

> On 07/07/2009 21:36, jose isaias cabrera wrote:
>> I updated from the old cygwin to the new 1.7 by installing the new 1.7 in
>> c:\cygwinx directory. The reason why was because I wanted to see if a
>> problem that I previously had was fixed with a SunOS 10 server. When I 
>> run
>> this command,
>> XWin -once -query <IP>
>> the X windows opens and quickly disappear. The log is attached.
> What log?
weird... Attached

> So, back in http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2008-11/msg00141.html, you 
> said:
>> Now, I get the login screen, but when try to enter the login ID, when I
>> type the first letter, the login screen refreshes and I can never enter
>> login id.
> Now you say:
> > the X windows opens and quickly disappear.
Yep.  This is correct.

> So: same problem? similar problem? different problem?  I could guess, but 
> I'd rather not...
Ok, so, you are right.  This is a different problem.  I don't even get to 
type anything.  Also, if I take the -once option out, it will continue to 
connect and disconnect forever.

>> By the way, this is the same problem that the previous version of cygwin
>> had. But, since Mr. Turney said to give it a try with the new version, I
>> did. :-)
> Back here http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2008-11/msg00184.html, I asked 
> if you could ssh -Y to the Solaris host and run X apps that way, or if 
> they also fail on a keypress.  I don't see a response.

Sorry, I thought that I had responded.  Here is what happens:

jic 01:01:02-> ssh -Y cnpsip@
Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding.
Last login: Thu Jul  9 01:55:18 2009 from jic.na.xerox.ne
Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.10      Generic January 2005
[cnpsip@e6psip ~]: xclock

and then, the prompt locks an no xclock display.  On the cygwin dos screen, 
I see the following message:

jic 01:00:48-> xinit

Xlib:  extension "MIT-SHM" missing on display ":0.0".
Xlib:  extension "MIT-SHM" missing on display ":0.0".

All questions have been answered. :-)

thanks for all the help.

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