Trouble with the xwin and ms remote desktop

Wed Jul 29 17:51:00 GMT 2009

On 29/07/2009 14:45, Matta, Sunil wrote:
> I have been running Xwin on xp pro for a week along with xterms and
> emacs on my desktop.
> I then tried to remote connect (ms remote desktop: mstsc.exe) to the
> desktop from a laptop across the internet.
> 1) As soon as I had connected to my desktop (which was running xwin),
> the xserver crashed. I could see the rest of the ms xp apps on the
> remote screen though.
> The laptop has a 14" screen whereas the desktop has twin 19" screens.
> I then re-started the xserver from the remote laptop while connecting to
> the desktop, which seemed to be working fine as long as I stayed on the
> laptop.
> 2) When I got back to my desktop, the xserver still thought that the
> laptop's screen was in use, and wouldnt display correctly past the top
> two thirds of screen 0.
> I guess this makes sense since the xserver knew of the smaller screen
> size when it was started during the remote session.
> Consequently, anything on the bottom of the screen would not draw at
> all, or refresh properly.
> i.e. if I had an xterm on the lower end of the monitor, it would not
> accept any key strokes until I moved the xterm to the top two-thirds of
> the screen.
> Is there any way to request Xwin.exe to dynamically "resize" itself
> rather than bouncing the xserver a specific size/resolution profile ??
> Otherwise, I might have to bounce the xserver every time i alternate
> between the desktop and the laptop.

This is a known limitation. The only workaround is to restart the Xserver when 
the display resolution changes.  Having used the Xserver in a similar way, I 
do know how irritating that is :-)

This is the "Windows display size/Monitor count/position changes while 
running." item on the todo list at [1], as connecting via RDP with a different 
desktop size effectively changes the display size

However, this shouldn't be causing a crash, so if you could provide the 
/var/log/Xwin.0.log for a session when that happens, that would be useful.


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