XWinrc suggestion

Jon TURNEY jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Wed Jun 17 17:58:00 GMT 2009

It would be perhaps better to teach startxwin.bat to use .xserverrc for this 
purpose, just like startx does.

This could probably be achieved by changing startxwin.bat to use startx to 
start the server, rather than starting it directly :-)

There are a few ancillary issues with doing this, though.  xinit would kill 
the X server when the first client exits, which is not wanted here.  Some 
people have problems with startx not working, for various reasons.  Is it 
possible to preserve the -silentdup behaviour of startxwin.bat doing it that way?

Of course, in the alternative, if someone wants to provide some patches for 
Xwin to read these settings from Xwinrc, they would be considered

Williams, Chris (Marlboro) wrote:
> Sounds like a good idea to me.
> -Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> It'd be nice if one could specify what are traditionally command-line
> parameters
> to XWin.exe in XWinrc. For example, if the functionality were available,
> I'd use
> it to turn on emulate3buttons in my .XWinrc. This would be preferable to
> modifying startxwin.bat, as I do now, because startxwin.bat is wiped out
> every
> time Cygwin/X is upgraded. As is conventional, if a parameter occurs in
> both
> .XWinrc and on the command line (e.g., in startxwin.bat), the command
> line
> parameter value would take precedence.

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