[PATCH] Allow startxdmcp.bat to Accept REMOTE_HOST as an Argument

Castine, Neil Neil.Castine@acs-inc.com
Mon Mar 30 22:49:00 GMT 2009

Cygwin/X maintainers,

Attached is a simple patch for the startxdmcp.bat script that ships with
xinit. Said patch allows the REMOTE_HOST variable to be set with the
first argument from the command line. I have found this to be very handy
for creating a Windows desktop link (.lnk) to connect to each of my most
commonly used X servers.
In some LNK file:
Target = C:\cygwin\bin\startxdmcp.bat SomeHost
Start in = C:\cygwin\bin
Being able to create multiple LNK files is much better than creating
multiple copies of startxdmcp.bat with a different REMOTE_HOST set in
This simple change has served me well over the last year or so. Please
consider merging it to the Cygwin/X distribution.
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