Fundraising for new computer

Yaakov (Cygwin Ports)
Fri May 15 07:49:00 GMT 2009

Cygwin/X users,

Last fall, with Jon's technical assistance, I took on updating the
long-unmaintained Cygwin/X and released X11R7.4.  Since then we have
released over 30 package updated, including six patch revisions to the
server.  Work on preparing X.Org Server 1.6 and GNOME 2.26 for Cygwin
1.7 was well underway, but I have now hit a major snag.

I regret to inform you that my computer is down and needs to be
replaced.  The power supply went, and as a proprietary computer
(surplussed by a client a few years ago), the case and power supply
are not of the standard ATX form factor.  The only replacement option
appears to be from the manufacturer itself, but it turns out that both
the original and replacement parts are both relatively expensive and
somewhat underpowered.  (No wonder the original went!)  I considered
transplanting the computer into an old ATX case, but the case is
manufactured in such a way that the motherboard cannot be extracted.
So now I'm left to building from scratch.

I would like to thank those who donated last fall on cgf's behest
after the Cygwin/X transition.  What now remains will go towards a new
computer, but I need a few hundred more CAD in order to get a computer
that will allow me to continue development for Cygwin 1.7 and update
the many packages which were available until now.

Donations may be made through PayPal; go to or and click on the "Make A Donation"

Thank you for your support.


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