'run xterm' fails to open a window

Linda Walsh cygwin@tlinx.org
Thu Nov 5 02:57:00 GMT 2009

Florent Fievez wrote:
>> 2) to both Florent and Ken?
>>  In addition to Gery Herbozo Jimenez's response and question to you,
>>  ( "Have you tried just starting the XWin server first and the the
>>  xterm? it looks like the X server doesn't recognize that line
>>  command." ),
>>  a) Have you tried starting 'xterm' without 'run' ?
> Yes, it works without problem but a cmd window remain and that is
> annoying.
	Maybe you can close the cmd window after it starts...

	Yeah, still a pain...

> To explain exactly my situation, I have a Windows cmd script
> which try to launch a bash script.
	I'm not a windows.cmd language expert, but....

	I don't know if it would make a difference, but I use
DISPLAY=":0"  (I only have 1 display, so the extra ".0" should
be superfluous).  But also ":0" should connect via a local socket
instead of using IP.  Do you have any firewall products that could
be blocking traffic to or from 127.0.0.x?

> if defined CYGWIN_ROOT goto :OK
> set CYGWIN_ROOT=%~dp0
	Not sure what ~dp0 is supposed to do.  ??

> :OK
> SET RUN=%CYGWIN_ROOT%\bin\run -p /usr/bin
> %RUN% %CYGWIN_ROOT%\bin\bash /usr/local/bin/rxvtwin.sh %*

Is is possible to change that last line to:
%RUN% %CYGWIN_ROOT%\bin\bash -c "DISPLAY=:0 /usr/local/bin/rxvtwin.sh %* "
---that's all 1 line---

What does rxvtwin have in it?

Any reason not just to run it?

It looks like you are running the X server and the rxvt on the same
machine.  You might want to look at 'minTTY'.  It's a replacement 
for the cmd.exe standard window that you can resize and set transparency
on -- i.e. it has more options, I think than rxvt.

It might be more what you want?

run %
> -------------------------------
> I call it in windows shortcut with a "user@host" as parameter and it
> launch a rxvt terminal with a ssh session to the host and background
> color depending on host.
> If instead of "%RUN% %CYGWIN_ROOT%\bin\bash /usr/local/bin/rxvtwin.sh
> %*" I launch "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\bin\bash /usr/local/bin/rxvtwin.sh %*", it
> works.
> So it seems to be really run which has an issue.
If it works locally but not under 'run', maybe you might try reporting
it on the main list -- as it doesn't seem to be strictly an X problem, 
but some there might go "eewww, X" ... that belongs in cygwin-x!  But
a bug in run is a bug in run... I have a feeling that
your DISPLAY variable isn't getting passed properly to your shellscript.

Another possibility -- get a non-X version of rvxt.  I don't know if there is one in the main package base or not...I connected up to a french site with binaries other than the standard ones -- I might have pulled it down there -- has a neat 'server-client' version of rxvt as well --
launch 1 serer, an then each client takes about 200K/client.  

>> Do either of you know what display 'XWin' started itself on?

> Yes my server is running on display 0.0 and I specify it in DISPLAY
> environment variable.
>  (I specified it in both bash and cmd script since I don't know if
> environment is inherited by bash process when I run it)
	does your logfile in /var/log/Xwin...(something) also confirm
that it opened the 0.0 display?

	I'm not sure your rvxt script is getting DISPLAY -- maybe you
could echo DISPLAY out to a file?  i.e. inside rxvt.sh -- put in an
"echo $DISPLAY>/tmp/my_rxvt.out" (or some place where you can store it
temporarily)...see if it stores the value you think it is storing.

	Maybe try putting DISPLAY=":0" in the script?

>>   for cygwin path='C:\cygwin':
>>      C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c 'DISPLAY=:0 xterm'
>>  or  C:\cygwin\bash\bash.exe -c 'xterm -display :0'
>>   for cygwin path= 'C:\':     (my value)
>>      C:\bin\bash.exe -c 'DISPLAY=:0 xterm'
>>  or  C:\bash\bash.exe -c 'xterm -display :0'
>> The above two commands work on WinXP and Vista using cygwin1.5

> It don't work as I expected since what I have explained before.
	I thought you said it DID work?  Oh...the above also
is assuming your PATH variable has already included /usr/bin under
your cygwin dir.

	Hopefully, something will help...:-)

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