WM_QUIT problem (was "twm issue ...")

Eliot Moss moss@cs.umass.edu
Thu Nov 12 12:00:00 GMT 2009

Since nobody has responded at all, I thought I would
try again, a different way ...

This is a case where what I believe is normal termination
of a window manager (in my case twm) is causing a seg fault
in XWin, at least that's what the attached log seems to

The odd thing is that this happens when I exit twm by
typing control-shift-q, where I have the following twm

"q"   = s | c : all : f.quit

But I also have a menu with an f.quit item, and when I
exit that way, I do not get the seg fault (second
attached log).

I suppose this is not a huge deal, since I am exiting
everything anyway, but a seg fault is kind of scary to
a user of an important thing like X :-) ...

Best wishes -- Eliot Moss
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