Fwd: Cygwin X is not starting in Vista 64 bit Home edition.

Andrew Hart arhart@mtu.edu
Fri Oct 30 20:38:00 GMT 2009

Pratap and all,

I found the question below after running into the same issue. Here is 
how I solved it.

I noticed that the start menu icon was installed in 
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Cygwin-X; however, 
the folder and link permissions for Cygwin-X differed from the program 
and link permissions for Cygwin Bash Shell. The Cygwin-X folder had the 
user "None" where where the Cygwin folder had Administrators. This 
didn't appear to cause a problem; I was still able to view the folder 
contens. The Cygwin link had full permissions for everyone, but the 
Cygwin-X link only had permissions for SYSTEM, root (the administrative 
account I do installs with), and Administrators -- normal users were not 
able to run the link.

Because of this, I went to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start 
Menu\Programs\Cygwin-X, right-clicked the link, properties, security, 
edit, add. I added "everyone" and gave everyone "Ready & execute" and 
"Read" permissions. After this I was able to run Cygwin-X as normal.

Hope this helps,

Dear all, I regularly use Cygwin on windows for running my Linux based 
codes/applications on Windows. I have Windows XP(32 bit) on my laptop. 
There all the applications related to Cygwin work fine. But on my 
Windows 64bit Vista Home Premium edition, the Cygwin X Windows 
application doesn't start up. Can anybody suggest what should be done to 
make cygwin/X work in Vista 64 bit also? Thanks in advance Pratap

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