"Fatal error"

Tanja Kjallman tkja002@aucklanduni.ac.nz
Thu Sep 10 04:21:00 GMT 2009


I have just downloaded Cygwin to do some modelling of some of my
research results. I've also installed the X server, Version 1.5.3
(20090222). When I run the X W it gives me the following error

Fatal error, open /var/log.xwin.0.log, Xwin was started with the
following command-line: Xwin -mulitiwindow -clipboard

The program still performs the modelling I need, but I just wanted to
ask what I can do to fix the error that being reported. I am not very
familiar with the Unix environment, but should be able to fix this
with some advice. I've refrained from just trying myself because I can
still use it for my main purpose and I don't want to mess that up.

Thank you in advance,
Tanja Kjällman

Doctoral Student
Polymer Electronics Research Center
Chemistry Department, 5th floor
The University of Auckland
23 Symonds Street
Auckland 1004
New Zealand

Email: tkja002@aucklanduni.ac.nz
Ph: (mobile) +64 21 2362424

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