XWin does not delete the lock files

Jon TURNEY jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Mon Apr 5 21:10:00 GMT 2010

On 30/03/2010 22:02, Rodrigo Medina wrote:
> I have found that XWin -multiwindow -clipboard&  dos not remove the lock
> files when it is stopped
> with the 'Exit' button of the XWin menu

Thanks for the reproduction steps here, although I wasn't able to reproduce 
the problem without also connecting an xterm before shutting down the X server.

At least part of the problem seems to be awesomely bad multi-threaded code: It 
looks like the code thinks XSetIOErrorHandler() sets a per-thread handler, 
rather than the global handler it actually sets, so each client thread sets it 
to a handler which longjmp()s somewhere, and we end up getting the last one 
which happened to get installed if the handler ever actually gets called, with 
hilarious consequences... (longjmp()ing to a setjmp() buffer allocated in 
another thread being undefined, and even if it happens to work, it isn't going 
to do the right thing)

This also seems to be the cause of the segfault on shutdown you have reported 
in another thread.

I've had a go at working around these issues a bit, although the only way of 
handling the multithreading correctly looks to be to re-write the clipboard 
and multiwindow WM to use xcb.

Perhaps you could try out the test build I have uploaded at [1] and see if 
that resolves this problem for you?

[1] ftp://cygwin.com/pub/cygwinx/XWin.20100405215019.exe.bz2

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