1.7.6: Install error said postinstall error

Jon TURNEY jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Sun Aug 29 13:39:00 GMT 2010

On 25/08/2010 10:24, Lucas wrote:
> When I was installing Cygwin downloaded using the newest setup.exe yesterday, lots of error happend and the install GUI said postinstall error.

This doesn't seem to be an X problem, so should have been sent to the main 
cygwin list.

> Packages:
> No Package
> boxes.sh: exit code : 2


Add the missing : to /etc/postinstall/boxes.sh and all should be well.

> libglade2.0.sh: exit code : 2


> fontconfig.sh: exit code : 14

Not sure what's causing this one.
Can you post the output from trying to run /etc/postinstall/fontconfig.sh 
and/or /var/log/setup.log.full ?

> ....
> I have searched the maillist and found many people asked about this error but the error code are not like mine, so I turn for help here, thinking that maybe somebody here knows about it. Besides, the error report mails seem to not have got any solution so for, so is this a bug of the bash scripts in the new version?
> I have attached the setup.log.
> THANKS a lot, everybody!

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