[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: xterm-255-1

George Barrick gbarrick@walsh.edu
Mon Feb 8 12:48:00 GMT 2010

                         2010.02.08.07:49:53 EST

Hey Jim,

     I installed the xterm-255-1 this morning,
and had no difficulties.  My set-up is WinXP Pro.
SP3 with CygWin-1.7.1-1.  My only scrap of possibly
useful information surrounds cygcheck.

    Try running cygcheck with this parameter list:

$> cygcheck /usr/bin/xterm.exe > outfile.txt

I had some difficulty with a new version of the
GNU-Octave package under cygwin last week, and this
kind of run of cygcheck revealed that I was missing
a particular dll-library whose dependence the
package maintainers had temporarily forgotten.

George                   gbarrick@walsh.edu

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