Mouse offset when using java swing based gui applications

Jonas Winkler
Tue Jul 13 21:57:00 GMT 2010

Hi everyone,

I just noticed a very strange behaviour of my Cygwin/X-setup. I have a 
laptop running Debian 5.0 and openssh-server 1.5.1. My windows7 x64 
machine is running cygwin 1.7.5 and cygwin/x 1.8.0 (fresh installation). 
I'm using ssh and x forwarding to use gui applications - especially 
Netbeans 6.9 - on my windows machine.

So far, all X applications run fine on windows. Using Netbeans is 
somewhat weird. After startup, i can use the menues, edit code, etc. But 
as soon as I change the window position (moving, maximizing) of 
Netbeans, it seems as if the position of the window actually does not 
change. Clicking works, but selecting a menu item not. I need to click 
and hold on the menu item, drag the mouse to the position where the menu 
would be before moving the window and then release it.

Same goes for code completition windows - they pop up where they should 
be before moving the window.

I investigated a bit more and build a very basic Java gui application 
using swing (same library used by netbeans to display gui elemets) and 
the problem persists. As said before other applications (tested: 
gnome-terminal, gedit and nautilus) just work fine. So this is a 
swing-related rather than a netbeans-related problem.

I attached the cygcheck.out. I dont know what other kind of information 
I should provide, so if there's anything you need, please let me know.


    Jonas Winkler

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