Resizing problem

Christopher Faylor
Fri Jul 16 21:19:00 GMT 2010

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 03:03:07PM -0500, Olwe Melwasul wrote:
>If you people simply want to flame me, fine. But everything I said is true:

1) No one flamed you.  Flaming is what you are doing now.

2) You are not a customer.  You have no rights to anything here.  The
flow of obligation does not go from us to you.  We are doing you a favor
by providing you with software and answering your questions.  If you
don't want to use the software or don't like the answers you're getting
then it will not affect us in the slightest if you stop.

3) The point of this project is to provide a UNIX/Linux environment
primarily for people who know UNIX/Linux.  The documentation on our
web site presupposes that.  If you don't like man pages then you have
found the wrong project.

4) Cygwin is not a movement.  It is just a collection of programs which
a number of people have made available for free.  Then those people and
others have volunteered their time to create documentation and answer
questions.  You're welcome.

5) When you say that it took "three days to do ...X" you want us to
conclude that it was hard to find X.  An alternate conclusion is that
you aren't very adept at finding things.  I mention this because it may
not be clear to you that some of your indignant remarks are working
against you.

6) This is an open source project which accepts contributions.  So, if
you truly want to do more than try to convince us that you like to rant
then provide us with concrete suggestions, ideally in the form of actual
changes to the documentation which you so decry.  If you can't be
bothered to provide concrete suggestions and insist on making personal
observations, vague complaints, and pseudo-philosophical pronouncements
then we will all happily conclude that you are YA internet loon who can
be safely ignored.

If you want to do the latter then use the cygwin-talk mailing list as
you'll be off-topic here.  If you want to provide concrete suggestions
for improvement then go ahead.  We'll be happy (seriously) to see them.


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