xterm vt100 translations only work when mouse cursor is over the actual xterm window

Gregory Gleason gsgleason@gmail.com
Fri Mar 5 20:16:00 GMT 2010

Greetings.  I have discovered a strange issue.  I use xterm vt100
translations to map my function keys for my job.  I have attached my
.Xdefaults file I use which is in my home directory.

When I start a new xterm, the specially mapped keys work only if my
mouse cursor is hovering over the xterm window I'm typing in.  If the
mouse is anywhere else, the translations do not happen.  An easy was
to test is to press ctrl+v then the key in question, like F1.  If my
mouse pointer is hovering on the xterm window, I see ^[[11~, otherwise
I get ^[OP which I guess is the default.

Gregory Gleason
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