xterm no longer accepts keyboard input

Bob Kline bkline@rksystems.com
Sat Mar 13 21:53:00 GMT 2010

On 3/13/2010 1:05 PM, Bob Kline wrote:
> I have used X under Cygwin successfully for years.  Yesterday I did an 
> upgrade of my Cygwin installation and X stopped working.  After 
> struggling to get things working again, I decided to just install 
> Cygwin fresh and start over.  Now I can get the X server started 
> (following the instructions in the Cygwin/X User's Guide, running 
> /usr/bin/startxwin from a Cygwin shell), but xterm windows that I open 
> do not respond to keyboard input.  I looked at the FAQ and found the 
> entry (3.2 I upgraded my X server and now I can't type anything into 
> any X application) which warns against using any older scripts to 
> launch X, but as noted above, I'm invoking the startxwin binary 
> directly.  Any thoughts as to what could be going wrong, given that 
> this is an installation of Cygwin and X from scratch?

Following up on my earlier post, I see that although I am able to start 
the X server if I invoke /usr/bin/startxwin directly from a Cygwin 
shell, that's not *exactly* what the FAQ was suggesting.  What the FAQ 
document actually suggests is that I start the X server by using the 
shortcut under "Cygwin-X" on the start menu.  When I tried that method I 
got the following error message (I tried attaching a screen shot, since 
the error message was not presented in plain text, but that was rejected 
by the mailing list, so I'm transcribing the text from the image by hand):

(X) A fatal error has occurred and Cygwin/X will now exit.
Please open /var/log/XWin.0.log for more information.

Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project
Release: (10705000)
Contact: cygwin-xfree@cygwin.com
Build Date: 2010-02-25

XWin was started with the following command-line:

X : -multiwindow

Following the instructions for reporting problems, I have also attached 
the requested cygcheck output, as well as a copy of /var/log/XWin.0.log.

Bob Kline

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