Xwin crashes in multiwindow

Jon TURNEY jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Mon Mar 29 16:22:00 GMT 2010

On 29/03/2010 06:46, Rodrigo Medina wrote:
> I have found that with some programs XWin crashes
> giving segmentation Fault. The problem arises
> when the client program is stopped using the X button of
> the Windows window.
> The cygcheck output and the XWin log file
> are attached.

2010-03-29 00:06:53 winInitMultiWindowWM - Warning: Locale not supported by X.

I'm kind of puzzled to see this, and I'm wondering what locale you have set, 
but your cygcheck output seems to have been generated using cygcheck -s rather 
than cygcheck -svr, as recommended by the problem reporting page linked at the 
bottom of this email, so it doesn't record your environment.

> In case you need it, I can also attach the source of
> of some of the programs that fail. Unfortunately
> the problem does not always appear, particulary
> for very simple programs it does not arise.

What would be most useful would be using gdb to get a backtrace for the X 
server when it crashes.

> Apart from the XWin.0.log the following messages appear in the
> terminal window used for starting the server
> Segmentation fault at address 0x1c
> Fatal server error:
> Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting
> $ [mi] EQ overflowing. The server is probably stuck in an infinite loop.
> The message says that the server is aborting, but actually it does not
> disappear. It cannot be stopped with the exit button in the
> servers menu. After trying that the following message appears
> $ winDeinitMultiWindowWM - Noting shutdown in progress
> [mi] EQ overflowing. The server is probably stuck in an infinite loop.
> [mi] EQ overflowing. The server is probably stuck in an infinite loop.

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