Possible issue with run.exe under Windows 7 x64

Daniel Roe daniel.r.roe@gmail.com
Tue May 25 15:39:00 GMT 2010

Hi All,

I'm running Cygwin (CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 1.7.5(0.225/5/3) 2010-04-12
19:07 i686) under Windows 7 x64 professional. I have had an issue
using run.exe to start programs for Cygwin-X. In my .startxwinrc file
I have this command:

run urxvt -g 100x40 -e /bin/bash --login

When I start up the X-server using the default shortcut
(C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c /usr/bin/startxwin.exe)
I receive an error message like this:

Error: could not start C:\cygwin\etc\alternatives\urxvt   j-g 100x40 -e
/bin/bash --login

The characters between 'urxvt' and '-g' change each time. If I change
the command so that run.exe is not used it works fine. Maybe there is
some memory issue with run.exe on 64-bit systems?

Anyway I just thought I would bring it up. Attached is the output of
'cygcheck -s -v -r' which may or may not be useful. When running this
command the following was printed to stderr:

/usr/bin/cygrunsrv: warning: OpenService failed for 'DcomLaunch': Win32 error 5
Access is denied.
/usr/bin/cygrunsrv: warning: OpenService failed for 'odserv': Win32 error 5
Access is denied.
/usr/bin/cygrunsrv: warning: OpenService failed for 'ose': Win32 error 5
Access is denied.
/usr/bin/cygrunsrv: warning: OpenService failed for 'pla': Win32 error 5
Access is denied.
/usr/bin/cygrunsrv: warning: OpenService failed for 'QWAVE': Win32 error 5
Access is denied.
/usr/bin/cygrunsrv: warning: OpenService failed for 'RpcEptMapper':
Win32 error 5
Access is denied.
/usr/bin/cygrunsrv: warning: OpenService failed for 'RpcSs': Win32 error 5
Access is denied.

Daniel R. Roe
Postdoctoral Associate
SAS - Chemistry & Chemical Biology
610 Taylor Road
Piscataway, NJ   08854
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