XWin crashes with DirectX apps

Kevin Goodsell kevin-dated-1293298850.62e27e@omegacrash.net
Fri Oct 1 20:37:00 GMT 2010

Jon TURNEY wrote:
> Since I've recently fixed a few crash bugs in this area, introduced with 
> the new -resize functionality, you might like to test the latest 
> snapshot [1] to see if you still have this problem, the source is 
> available at [2].
> [1] ftp://cygwin.com/pub/cygwinx/XWin.20100923-git-2172af4d1ea713f1.exe.bz2
> [2] http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~jturney/xserver/log/?h=snapshot

After building from your snapshot I have not been able to reproduce this 
specific problem. I tested with and without the -resize option (I 
believe I read in the archives that -resize was unintentionally always 
in effect in the version with the bug).

I haven't had a chance to try the new 1.9 build yet.

I did encounter a strange crash the first time I ran the snapshot build. 
I was already running an Xming server, and the Cygwin server started 
without any issue but crashed as soon as I started a client. The 
backtrace made little sense to me -- it contained only two frames, the 
top being the GetDC API, and below that an unknown frame. Perhaps any 
unknown frame can give incorrect results below it, and obscure the true 
call stack? Unfortunately even the source of the unknown frame was 
missing (if I recall correctly), so there was no easy way to determine 
what additional debug information might be needed.

Is it possible that the Windows Xorg port (which I take it is the basis 
for both Xming and Cygwin/X) does not support or properly handle running 
multiple instances concurrently?

Whatever the case, the immediate problem does seem to have been 
resolved. Thank you!


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