selection to clipboard in xterm

Charles Smith
Thu Oct 14 14:11:00 GMT 2010

From: Morgan Gangwere <0 dot fractalus at gmail dot com>
> Sounds like something is trashing a buffer... however I'm not entirely
> sure.
> Sounds oddly configuration related... then again, i don't use fvwm on
> windows.

I've just observed something very interesting about this.

This happens for a window that's local to the cygwin X server.  When I open a window on this server from a remote (linux) client via ssh -X, the problem does not appear!

That is,
 - I sweep something onto my cut-buffer
 - I can paste it into a linux window when the mouse cursor is anywhere on the screen.
 - I can only paste it into a local cygwin xterm when the mouse cursor is directly over the target window.
 - if I focus back on the linux window, I can paste the original string again (independent of the position of the mouse cursor).

Furthermore, I think I observed that the buffer gets *changed* when I moved the mouse from the linux window to the cygwin window.

I swept something, and could paste it into the linux window.  Then, I focused on the cygwin with the mouse elsewhere.  Pasting from the xterm cut buffer (or the "_" command) did not work.  When I moved the mouse into the cygwin window, I could paste - but something else than I just swept got pasted!


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