Still can't run XServer or any apps that require it

Larry Hall (Cygwin-X)
Tue Apr 26 15:37:00 GMT 2011

On 4/26/2011 1:16 AM, David M. Karr wrote:
> On 4/25/2011 10:07 AM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 04:23:56PM +0100, Jon TURNEY wrote:
>>> On 23/04/2011 17:47, David M. Karr wrote:
>>>> Almost a week ago now, I've been unable to run my XServer, and thus any
>>>> of the
>>>> apps that normally run with it, like Emacs.
>>> I realise this situation is an inconvenience, but please don't post to
>>> multiple lists just because you don't get a quick response.
>>>> When I run "startxwin", it just
>>>> says "failed to activate core devices".
>>> [snip]
>>>> [498341.949] (EE) XKB: Could not invoke xkbcomp
>>>> [498341.949] (EE) XKB: Couldn't compile keymap
>>>> [498341.949] (EE) XKB: Failed to load keymap. Loading default keymap
>>>> instead.
>>>> [498342.089] (EE) XKB: Could not invoke xkbcomp
>>>> [498342.089] (EE) XKB: Couldn't compile keymap
>>>> [498342.089] XKB: Failed to compile keymap
>>>> [498342.089] Keyboard initialization failed. This could be a missing or
>>>> incorrect setup of xkeyboard-config.
>>>> [498342.089] Fatal server error: Failed to activate core devices.
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> I looked in the FAQ for the entry corresponding to this error, but none
>>>> of the
>>>> steps found any issues. I've tried doing "rebaseall" according to the
>>>> instructions, but that hasn't made any difference. In fact, my problems
>>>> started when I ran "rebaseall" to fix a different problem. I was getting
>>>> "Doing vfork: resource temporarily unavailable" when I started up Emacs, and
>>>> some advice I found suggested running "rebaseall".
>>> Unfortunately, rebaseall is a rather limited workaround, rather than a
>>> solution for these issues (for reasons which have been discussed extensively
>>> in the past)
>>> There has been a recent cygwin DLL change which *might* help in this
>>> situation, so I'd suggest you try the 2011-04-07 snapshot from [1] and see if
>>> that makes a difference. (I wouldn't recommend later ones as they seem to
>>> have
>>> a regression in a different area)
>>> [1]
>> Also, I've found that using a different base address with rebaseall
>> seems to help with some X problems:
>> dash -c "rebaseall -b 0x77000000"
> Ok, that appears to have fixed my problem. Is that a "permanent" fix?

For now, yes. ;-)



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