AW: AW: AltGr key mostly fires an additional CONTROL key

Paul Maier
Thu Aug 4 02:22:00 GMT 2011

> Thanks for the logs, that was very useful.
> I still can't reproduce this (although holding AltGr down to make it
> autorepeat seems the best way to try to do that).  It is a timing issue with
> the keypress/release messages so it might be sensitive to CPU speed, or
> perhaps you have some software installed which looks at keypress/release
> messages and changes the timing?
> I've had a go at fixing it.  Can you please try the build I've uploaded at [1]
> and see if it still shows the problem for you?
> [1]

Hi Jon,

works fine for me. I Played around quite a while, but the CONTROL-locking didn't occur any more. Yippie!
Is it ok, if I leave the hotfix file permanently in on my PC (I mean, did you base it on a recent XWin released version with just my
bug fix in - or is there other experimental stuff inside?), then I'll use it automatically during work and I can let you know in
case of problems.

I wouldn't have started a thread with the following, but since we have already started looking at this keyboard, maybe you are
interested in some of these:

Tilde sign (~) should be a normal (not a blind) key.
  In Windows I hit AltGr+"+" to get ~, in XWin I need to type AltGr+"+" then space to get a ~.
  See attachment for the initial XWin xmodmap -pke table.
  Possible xmodmap correction (works fine):
  keycode  35 = plus asterisk plus asterisk asciitilde

Euro Currency sign doesn't work.
  I know - it's not a latin1 character, but together with CP1252 this xmodmap correction works like Windows:
  keycode  26 = e E e E 0x0080

ALT+Space produces a NBSP character (HEX A0) in Windows, but not in XWin.
  xmodmap correction is unfortunately not possible, because the xmodmap setting on ISO_Level3_Shift+Space is just thrown away:
  Something like
  keycode  65 = space NoSymbol space NoSymbol nobreakspace
  keycode  65 = space space space space nobreakspace
  doesn't work: it's discarded and the setting is not shown on a "xmodmap -pke".
  So I put nobreakspace to the fifth place of another key - there it works.
  That would be good if key 65 (space key) would accept above xmodmap setting or have it initially.

Number block is not working.
  See attachment for the initial XWin xmodmap -pke table (all these KP_* settings look good at the first sight, but the keys don't
produce numbers).
  Possible xmodmap correction (works fine):
  keycode  63 = asterisk asterisk
  keycode  79 = 7 7
  keycode  80 = 8 8
  keycode  81 = 9 9
  keycode  82 = minus minus
  keycode  83 = 4 4
  keycode  84 = 5 5
  keycode  85 = 6 6
  keycode  86 = plus plus
  keycode  87 = 1 1
  keycode  88 = 2 2
  keycode  89 = 3 3
  keycode  90 = 0 0
  keycode  91 = period period
  keycode 108 = Return Return
  keycode 112 = slash slash


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