[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: xorg-server-1.9.4-1

Jon TURNEY jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Tue Feb 8 14:14:00 GMT 2011

The following packages have been updated in the Cygwin distribution:

*** xorg-server-1.9.4-1
*** xorg-server-dmx-1.9.4-1

These packages contain XWin and the other X.Org X11 servers.

In addition to upstream fixes, this contains the following cygwin-specific
changes since 1.9.3-2:

* In -wgl mode, handle failure to get any useful pixel formats for GLX
fbConfigs more gracefully: If we didn't get any pixel formats from
wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB(), fall back to using DescribePixelFormat().  If
that doesn't give us any pixel formats, fallback to software rendering.
(Reported by Ken Olum)
* Decorate with WINAPI function pointers retrieved via GetProcAddress which
are currently missing it, so stdcall ABI is used.  This fixes a crash
currently seen when -screen option uses a size and monitor number e.g. -screen
0 1280x1000@2 (Reported by Markus Kurek)

73a225b90f2464266ae198be02fa7bdb *xorg-server-1.9.4-1.tar.bz2
6a6b039e46fbe4ca09c1d37312e065e6 *xorg-server-dmx-1.9.4-1.tar.bz2
bd70c22dbbf17fd0fe180c65622a6a91 *xorg-server-1.9.4-1-src.tar.bz2

Volunteer Cygwin/X X Server maintainer


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