AW: clipboard integration doesn't work

Tue Feb 8 23:55:00 GMT 2011

On 08/02/2011 01:26, Paul Maier wrote:
> thanks for giving your attention to this.  8-)
>> Can you give a detailed set of reproduction steps e.g. what
>> application are
>> your cutting from, pasting to?
> It is reproducable in both directions (Win -> X, X -> Win), with any
> application on both sides.
> So I choose a xterm with a vim for X, and a notepad for Windows.

winClipboardProc - Warning: Locale not supported by X.
winClipboardFlushXEvents - SelectionRequest - X*TextListToTextProperty failed: -2
winClipboardFlushXEvents - SelectionNotify - X*TextPropertyToTextList returned: -2

> Can I also see your cygcheck output in the form suggested by the link at the
> bottom of this mail?

LC_ALL = 'de_DE.CP1252'

Oh dear :-(  It looks like this is going to be broken for all locales which
use a Windows codepage encoding, since Xlib knows nothing about them.

As a workaround, you could perhaps set your locale to de_DE.ISO8859-1 (which
is a subset of CP1252), if you actually need to work with CP1252 encoded data,
or de_DE.UTF-8 if you don't.

I'm not sure what to do about fixing this.  Prior to Xserver 1.7.1-2 it would
just refuse to start with unsupported locales.  I guess we should at least
fallback to setting the C locale if the current locale isn't supported by X.
I'm not sure I want try adding all the possible codepage locales which Cygwin
supports to the X locale tables.

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