Taskbar appearance changes between xorg-server 11 series and 12.0 series (more)

Eliot Moss moss@cs.umass.edu
Wed Apr 11 10:40:00 GMT 2012

Dear Jon (et al.):

Here's an interesting new bit of evidence.

When playing around with xlaunch configurations and such,
I ran startxwin several times this morning. ONCE, X came
up without the iconized StartXWin window (i.e., things
displayed as they used to before I upgraded xorg-server).

This makes me suspect that there may be some kind of
timing-related behavior. Perhaps the relevant code did
not change between releases, but other changes affected
relative timing of various actions, exposing a latent
bug or race condition.

I am happy to switch the xlaunch, though, if the separate
issue with XWin when started under xlaunch can be resolved.

Regards, and thanks again for your efforts in maintaining
this complex beast!

Eliot Moss

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