XWin 1.12.0-4 crash

Michel Bardiaux MBardiaux@mediaxim.be
Fri Apr 27 09:00:00 GMT 2012

> From: Jon TURNEY
> Mentioning the name of the application which caused the crash
> (multi-gnome-terminal) would have helped.

Sorry, I thought it was clear from the startup script that I had

> So, in fact, it's not a crash when the X server is started, but when
you try to run the application > multi-gnome-terminal?

Yes. But because the MGT was started just after X in my startup script,
it looked like a startup issue. When I removed the MGT from the script,
I was able to run the apps I needed, using a local mintty+ssh.

> It looks like this is the same crash as reported at [1], and should be
fixed in X server 1.12.0-5.

It is indeed. Thanks for the quick support.

(s) M. Bardiaux.

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