XWin.exe: _XSERVTransSocketUNIXAccept: accept() failed

Bonggren, Jeffrey L jeffrey.l.bonggren@boeing.ksc.nasa.gov
Wed Feb 15 16:39:00 GMT 2012


I have recently noticed that XWin.exe is spinning and maxing out a CPU core.  I checked the log and saw that it is spamming it with "_XSERVTransSocketUNIXAccept: accept() failed" messages at a rate of about one per millisecond.  This is generating a very large log file!

X seems to be behaving normally in spite of this.  I typically run only xterm and nedit (many instances) locally.

I have verified that the Windows firewall has a blanket allow rule for XWin.exe.

I can't place the exact update that caused this problem, but I believe it was not having this issue in December 2011.  I am never more than a week behind on updating cygwin.  I tried falling back to the previous 1.11.4-2 version of xorg-server, but it failed to start.  Perhaps a version conflict with some of the other updated packages?

I am attaching my cygcheck (redacted), startxwin.bat and XWin.0.log (truncated!) files.

Thank you,


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