XWindows graphics Subroutines

Jon TURNEY jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Fri Feb 17 23:35:00 GMT 2012

On 17/02/2012 22:06, Ron Hadley wrote:
>       I am trying to port XWindows graphics code from my Linux workstation
> to my PC using cygwinX. I cannot find the XWindows graphics subroutines
> (routines that start with X) anywhere in the cygwin library. The file I
> thought should contain them, cygwin/lib/libX11.a contains similar routines
> with different names, for which I can find no documentation. Can you direct
> me to either the XWindows library or the documentation for the routines in
> libX11.a? Thank you

I'm not sure which Xlib function you are looking for, but there should be no
difference in the Xlib API between linux and cygwin/x.

The libX11-devel package which contains that library also contains man pages
for the functions it provides [1]

[1] http://cygwin.com/packages/libX11-devel/libX11-devel-1.4.4-1

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