Why doesn't M-C-s work for me?

Oliver Schmidt oschmidt-mailinglists@gmx.de
Mon Jan 9 18:58:00 GMT 2012

Hi Mark,

On 09.01.2012 19:32, Mark Geary wrote:
> <left Alt>-<left Ctrl>-s (will abbreviate as M-C-s from here-on) does
> nothing for me. Does anyone have any thoughts on why it might not be working?
> I have the left control and the caps lock keys swapped with a
> registry edit:

does this problem also occur with normal windows programs?

I have also made the caps lock key to a ctrl key and I cannot press
ctrl+shift+s when using the "caps lock" key as ctrl key. So it seems for
me that on some keyboards some key combinations of more than two keys at
the same time are not possible (perhaps due to technical implementation

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