XWIN- crashes when some client programs terminate.

Oliver Schmidt oschmidt-mailinglists@gmx.de
Tue Jan 10 10:29:00 GMT 2012


On 1/10/2012 5:01 AM, rodmedina@cantv.net wrote:
> I am attaching the sources of a
> simple program that consistently produces the crash of the server.

I compiled your program using the commandline:

gcc -I.  paneltest.c xbutton.c xinitapp.c xinline.c \
xinpanel.c xwinutil.c -lx11

in the src directory of your expanded archive. How can the crash be
reproduced? If I leave the program by closing the window no crash occurs.

> With the last release of Xwin ( I have found the following
> problem.

I'm using the current cygwin xorg-server version 1.11.3-1, perhaps the
problem has been fixed?

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