Yaakov (Cygwin/X) yselkowitz@users.sourceforge.net
Sun Jul 8 13:06:00 GMT 2012

Cygwin/X has been updated to X.Org X11R7.7.


* Over 140 binary packages have been updated, including the latest 
upstream improvements and bug fixes.

* Complex OpenGL apps, such as those based on Clutter, are now quite
usable with the software rasterizer (as used by XWin in desktop mode, or
in multiwindow mode where the native WGL implementation is lacking).

* EGL and OpenVG are now supported.  GLES support is planned for the
near future.

* Xinerama-aware apps should behave correctly in -multiplemonitor mode.

* The modularized Xorg server is available for use with the
xf86-video-dummy and xf86-video-nested drivers in place of Xvfb/Xfake
and Xnest/Xephyr, respectively.

* Development of the 3D Athena widgets library (libXaw3d) has been taken
over by X.Org, adding many improvements.

* The transset utility has been added.

* X API documentation includes cross-reference links to other modules.


Development of Cygwin/X is primarily focused on the XWin server; most
other components are extremely stable and work OOTB.  Anyone who
despaired of touching the old monolithic tree will find things much 
easier with modular packages.  If you want to see XWin stay current and 
add new features, then WE NEED YOU.  Here are some of the projects that 
could be worked on:

* Implement hardware-accelerated AIGLX support in desktop mode.
* Implement Extended Window Manager Hints in multiwindow mode.
* Implement the Composite extension in multiwindow mode.
* Implement the XVideo extension.
* Implement newest XRandR protocol.


All comments, questions, bug reports, patches, discussion, etc. should
take place on the cygwin-xfree list.


Jon Turney for continuing to develop xorg-server, pushing our existing
patches upstream, and contributing many new patches to this release.

Numerous users for their bug reports and patches during the latest
development cycle, including:

Ken Brown
Colin Harrison
Keith Lindsay
Rodrigo Medina
Jörg Mensmann
Eliot Moss
Oliver Schmidt
Yusuke Tamura
David Thompson

And whomever else I may have inadvertently neglected to mention.


Cygwin/X coordinator


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