startx - no keyboard or mouse focus with single xterm, repeatable error

Scott Merrilees
Thu Jun 14 06:06:00 GMT 2012

I upgraded yesterday, and am similarly afflicted

Thanks Patrick for a workaround, +200+200 works for me.

Mario's suggestion of startxwin doesn't solve the problem because
startxwin doesn't allow single root window mode.

Another minimal way to demonstrate the problem:

     DISPLAY=:0; export DISPLAY
     XWin &
     twm &

notice that twm doesn't have focus, and pressing button1 on the root
window doesn't show a menu.
Howewver if you then force twm to ask where to place a window by doing:

     xclock &

then once the window has been placed I can see the button1 menu, and
subsequent xterms etc work properly.

When I tried fvwm as an alternative window manager, it worked ok.
Scott Merrilees

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