XKeysymDB missing ?

Scott Merrilees scott@merrilees.net
Fri Jun 15 01:47:00 GMT 2012

package libX11_6/libX11_6-1.3.3-1  /usr/share/X11/XKeysymDB present
package libX11_6/libX11_6-1.4.4-1 /usr/share/X11/XKeysymDB missing

The FAQ has some references to XKeysymDB which are confusing given
it's omission from 1.4.4-1, and had me wondering is the Xterm input
issues I was seeing were related to the lack of this file.

If XKeysymDB is missing by design, then probably the FAQ should note
this where it talks about XKeysymDB
Scott Merrilees

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