X server crash when running texworks

Ken Brown kbrown@cornell.edu
Sat Mar 24 19:48:00 GMT 2012

To reproduce:

1. Install texworks-0.4.3-1 from Cygwin Ports.

2. Create two tex files in your home directory, say test1.tex and 
test2.tex.  I don't know if the contents matter, but in my case both 
files contain the following:


3. Start the X server by using the Start Menu shortcut.

4. Start texworks by typing "texworks&" in an xterm window.

5. Click on the "Open" icon to open one of the tex files.  Then do the 
same to open the second.

At this point the X server crashes and gives the message "Caught signal 
11 (segmentation fault)".  Server aborting."

Before the crash I get the following warning in the xterm window when I 
open a file:

    QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths: /home/kbrown

I don't know if this is significant.su

I'm attaching cygcheck output and XWin.0.log.


P.S. I'm currently using the test version of xorg-server (1.12.0-1), but 
I can reproduce the crash with 1.11.4-5 also.  Also, I'm currently 
testing the latest Cygwin snapshot.  I just tried reverting to 1.7.11, 
and the X server still crashed, but not just from opening two files.  I 
had to open and compile several tex documents before it happened.
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