X server crash with asymptote

Ken Brown kbrown@cornell.edu
Thu May 31 15:45:00 GMT 2012

To reproduce:

1. Install asymptote-2.15-1.

2. Start the X server (1.12.1-1), and run the following command in an xterm:

$ asy -V /usr/share/doc/asymptote/examples/teapot.asy

This should display a teapot in a separate window, but instead it 
crashes the X server.

I've tested with cygwin-1.15 as well as the latest snapshot.  The 
problem doesn't occur with version 1.12.0-5 of the X server.  I'm 
running 64-bit Windows 7.

I assume you'll be able to reproduce this, but I'll send further 
information (log, backtrace, cygcheck output) if you can't.


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