Ubuntu scrollbars don't render in Cygwin

David Karr davidmichaelkarr@gmail.com
Thu May 31 16:49:00 GMT 2012

I have an ubuntu 12.0.4 desktop.  I have a Win7 laptop running Cygwin.
I can display windows from the Ubuntu box on the Win7 laptop using the
Cygwin X server, but the window is somewhat "degraded".  Specifically,
scrollbars are not rendering properly.  I've used Ubuntu before, but
this is the first time I've seen these odd scrollbar popups that are
used in 12.04.  I'm guessing the Cygwin X server is having trouble
rendering that for some reason.  In the Cygwin view, I see the
slightly thicker vertical bar, but when I hover the mouse over it,
nothing happens.

I'm investigating whether I can configure Ubuntu to use "normal"
scrollbars, but is there a way to get Cygwin's X server to display
those funky scrollbars better?

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