X server crashes when running VTK-5-8 rendering examples

Achim Gratz Stromeko@nexgo.de
Thu May 31 18:50:00 GMT 2012

marco atzeri writes:
> Could you check if previous X server (1.12.0-5) has the same problem ?

I can't check the previous server easily, but the current server crashes
reliably whit any program exercising the OpenGL interface when the
"native" acceleration is active (which should only happen in rootless
mode AFAIK).  It doesn't crash or crash far later when software
rendering is active.  An earlier version did not show these symptoms,
but I haven't recorded exactly what version this was and I can't tell if
"native" OpenGL was even on the cards at that time.

Additionally, anything using X libraries is extremely prone to fork
errors (Xdmcp, xml2 are most often involved).  I#ve fully rebased the
system multiple times, but it still happens (but less often now).

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